If your question is not answered here, you can head over to our contact page and ask us. We will try to answer your question as soon as possible and if we feel other people might also have the same question, we will add it to this page.


Where can I listen to KAP podcasts?

  1. You can use our website or go to the “Listen in Your Favorite App” page(s) of the podcast(s) you would like to listen to. There, you can find links to the podcast on many platforms. There is a link above the list of apps with more podcast platforms if you cannot find the one you prefer.
  2. If you cannot find your preferred podcast platform, you can search for the title of the podcast in that app (we suggest copying and pasting the title from our website to avoid typos).
  3. If you still cannot find the podcast, check if the platform has an option to add a custom podcast by URL or RSS feed. Then, go back to “How to Listen” and copy the first link, which is entitled “RSS Feed.” Click the button or text entitled “follow by URL,” “follow by RSS feed,” etc., and paste in the link. This allows you to listen to the podcast even though it is not listed on the platform, and it will still automatically update. As a note, not all platforms have this option.
  4. If the platform does not have the RSS Feed option or rejects the link, you can contact us, as we may be able to submit it to you’re platform. If we do not have the power to do so, we are very sorry, and you can listen on our website or another platform.

NOTE: We do not list our shows on Spotify or YouTube Music. For more info on that, scroll down to the questions entitled, “Why can’t I listen to Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts’ podcasts on Spotify?” and “Why can’t I listen to Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts’ podcasts on YouTube Music?”

Why can’t I listen to KAP podcasts on Spotify?

What Spotify is doing with tracking users and trying to gain a monopoly over the podcast industry does not align with Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts’ views. If it is the main platform you use for listening to podcasts, we apologize for the inconvenience, and you can listen on our website or another platform. We are currently on all of the other major podcast platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Overcast. If you would like links to such platforms, you can head over to the “Listen in Your Favorite App” page of the podcast(s) you would like to listen to.

If Spotify makes a change to this, we may add our podcasts back to its platform.

Here are two episodes of the podcast Buzzcast that are the reason we removed our shows:

Why can’t I listen to KAP podcasts on YouTube Music?

What YouTube does with tracking users does not align with Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts’ views. If it is the main platform you use for listening to podcasts, we apologize for the inconvenience, and you can listen on our website or another platform. We are currently on all of the other major podcast platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, and Overcast. If you would like links to such platforms, you can head over to the “Listen in Your Favorite App” page of the podcast(s) you would like to listen to.

Individual Podcasts

How do I submit an animal, Animalia Fake! category, or riddle guess to Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids?

You can send an email to animals@kingdomanimaliapod.com or go to the contact page and use the form entitled “Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids.”

How do I get early access to episodes Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?

To get one-week-early access to all episodes of Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?, you can support us at the Subspecies tier or higher (it doesn’t cost that much) on Patreon at patreon.com/KingdomAnimaliaPodcasts. It really helps us out.

If that is not an option for you at this time, you can still get all episodes completely for free.

Support and Sharing

How can I share KAP podcasts with people (and birds) I know?

Thank you for wanting to share our podcasts! It helps us more than you might think.

We suggest sending them the link to the podcast’s main page or the Shows page on our website, which has links to most places to listen, so you don’t have to worry about which one they use.

How to find one of our shows on our website:

  1. Go to the Shows page of our website.
  2. Click on the podcast the podcast you would like to share.
  3. Share the link to the page it brings you to.

If you would like to share all of our podcasts, you can share the Shows page of our website, which lists all of them.

How can I support the making of KAP podcasts?

Thank you for considering supporting Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts! It really means a lot to me.

You can support us by simply sharing one or more of our shows with someone you think might enjoy them! We suggest sending them the link to the podcast’s main page or the Shows page on our website, which has links to most places to listen, so you don’t have to worry about which one they use.

How to find one of our shows on our website:

  1. Go to the Shows page of our website.
  2. Click on the podcast the podcast you would like to share.
  3. Share the link to the page it brings you to.

If you would like to share all of our podcasts, you can share the Shows page of our website, which lists all of them.

You do not have to, but if you want to go the extra mile, you can support us by subscribing to the “Subspieces” tier or higher on our Patreon, which is at patreon.com/KingdomAnimaliaPodcasts. This also gets you benefits like second guesses to Kingdom: Animalia riddles and one-week-early access to all episodes of Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?