It’s time for everybody's favorite game show…
Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids is back with its trimonthly game show: Animalia Fake! Every episode — with your host, Devon, and your announcers, Chet and Cap — there will be THREE rounds, each with FOUR outrageous animal facts, and ONE of those facts is so outrageous it’s an Animalia Fake!
What’s that, up in the sky? It’s a drone, it’s a plane, no it’s an animal! That’s because today’s episode is about air creatures! Air animals are pretty cool, but which facts aren’t true? Listen and find out! You can keep score at home on a paper, or download the scoresheet on the episode page.
Next episode’s Animalia Fake! so the riddle for the next next episode is “Though I have a bad rap, I’m really quite sweet, I am far from ‘The Count,’ a flying mammal—indeed an amazing feat. Who am I?” You can send in your answers, questions, and episode suggestions to and our website is at So what are you waiting for? Spot that Animalia Fake!
Until next time, keep learning the TRUTH about this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.
Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids is an animal podcast from Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts.
Read the Transcript for this Episode
BACKGROUND: [Long Timpani drumroll starts]
CAP: Chicka And now, Chicka for everyone’s Chicka favorite trimonthly Chicka podcast game Chicka show…
BACKGROUND: [Theme music starts]
CAP: …Animalia Chicka Fake!
BACKGROUND: [Drumroll ends] [Music picks up]
CROWD: {Cheers/Applauds in background}
CAP: Chicka The game Chicka show about Chicka animal facts.
SOUNDS: [Animal sounds]
CAP: Chicka We’re your Chicka announcers… Chicka Cap…
CHET: …Chicka and Chet!
SOUNDS: [Airhorns]
CHET: With airhorns: Chicka Peeoo peeoo Chicka peeoo peeoo!
CAP: …Chicka And here’s Chicka your host…
CROWD: {Quiets}
CAP: …Chicka Devon!
CROWD: {Cheers/Applauds in background}
DEVON: Hello, thank you, thank you very much. I am your host, Devon, and this is Animalia Fake!: The game show about animal facts. If this is your first AF!, no, you are not on the wrong podcast, this is still Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids. This is just our game show which we do every third month. Now, I don’t know about you, but I want to start! …the! …game!
CROWD: {Quiets}
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
DEVON: Before we start the game, we have a special announcement:
BACKGROUND: [Look Busy starts]
DEVON: You can now support Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts podcasts (that would be Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids, this show, and our other show, Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?) because we now have a Patreon!
CROWD: {Cheers a bit}
DEVON: You can support the costs of making our shows and get some cool benefits! Benefits such as second guesses to the riddle, shout outs, and more! You can see more details, all the benefits, and start supporting Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts by going to Now, what’s that, up in the sky? It’s a drone! It’s a plane! No, it’s today’s category which is…
SOUNDS: [Short Timpani Drumroll]
DEVON: …Air Creatures.
SOUNDS: [Ta-da!]
DEVON: Species of animals that take to the skies. Now I hand it over to Cap, our beloved co-host-turned-announcer, to give you the rules of the game.
CAP: Chicka Okey-dokey.
BACKGROUND: [Look Busy fades out] [Theme music]
CAP: Chicka Every episode Chicka there are Chicka three rounds; Chicka every round Chicka there are Chicka four outrageous Chicka animal facts; Chicka and one Chicka of them Chicka is so Chicka outrageous it’s Chicka an Animalia Chicka Fake! Chicka Uh, Animalia Chicka Fake?
DIRECTOR: In distance: Sorry. Try it again.
CAP: …Chicka is so Chicka outrageous it’s Chicka an <reverb><Animalia Chicka Fake!> Chicka That’s better. Chicka It’s not Chicka true, and Chicka you have Chicka to guess Chicka which it Chicka is! Chicka If you Chicka guess it Chicka right, you’ll Chicka get a Chicka point!
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CAP: Chicka But if Chicka you get Chicka it wrong… Chicka if you Chicka get it Chicka wrong… Chicka Absolutely nothing Chicka will happen Chicka and we Chicka definitely won’t Chicka tell everyone Chicka in the Chicka world how Chicka you’re such Chicka a failure Chicka and make Chicka a public Chicka mockery of Chicka you.
DEVON: That definitely won’t happen. Don’t even joke about that, Cap.
CAP: Chicka Anywho… Chicka If you Chicka want to Chicka keep score Chicka and play Chicka along at Chicka home, you Chicka can go Chicka it old Chicka school and Chicka write it Chicka down on Chicka a piece Chicka of paper, Chicka an online Chicka note, etc., Chicka or you Chicka can get Chicka with the Chicka times and Chicka download the <reverb><Chicka official Animalia Chicka Fake! scoresheet> Chicka using the Chicka link in Chicka the show Chicka notes or Chicka click the Chicka button on Chicka the page Chicka for this Chicka episode which Chicka is at…
CAP: Chicka Thank you, Chicka Devon. Chicka And that Chicka is all.
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
DEVON: Thank you, Cap, for the rules, and now onto round one!
SOUNDS: [Ding-ding]
DEVON: Take it away, Chet and Cap!
BACKGROUND: [Question music starts]
CAP: Chicka Is the Chicka Animalia Fake Chicka A),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CAP: Chicka Though most Chicka bats can Chicka only fly Chicka and climb, Chicka the Common Chicka Vampire Bat (Chicka don’t worry, Chicka they don’t Chicka drink human Chicka blood) can Chicka not only Chicka walk on Chicka their legs Chicka and wings, Chicka but can Chicka also run Chicka across the Chicka ground! Chicka To make Chicka things even Chicka crazier, scientists Chicka found this Chicka out by Chicka putting the Chicka bats on Chicka mini bat Chicka treadmills!
CHET: Chicka Or is Chicka it B),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CHET: Chicka The largest Chicka creature to Chicka ever take Chicka flight, the Chicka Quetzalcoatlus northropi Chicka pterosaur that Chicka lived in Chicka the late Chicka Cretaceous period, Chicka had a Chicka wingspan the Chicka length of Chicka a standard Chicka city bus Chicka and may Chicka have weighed Chicka around the Chicka same as Chicka a Pygmy Chicka Hippopotamus!
CAP: Chicka Or is Chicka it C),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CAP: Chicka The longest Chicka nonstop flight Chicka of a Chicka bird was Chicka the migration Chicka of a Chicka Bar-tailed Chicka Godwit whose Chicka tag number Chicka was two Chicka three four Chicka six eight Chicka four who Chicka flew <reverb><eight Chicka thousand four Chicka hundred thirty- Chicka -five miles> Chicka or <thirteen Chicka thousand five Chicka hundred sixty Chicka kilometers> from Chicka Alaska in Chicka the U- Chicka -S all Chicka the way Chicka to Tasmania Chicka in Australia Chicka without stopping Chicka for food Chicka or rest!
CHET: Chicka Or is Chicka it D),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CHET: Chicka The furthest Chicka gliding animal, Chicka the Yellow- Chicka -bellied Glider (Chicka a gliding Chicka Australian possum), Chicka can glide Chicka up to Chicka three hundred Chicka seventy-four Chicka yards or Chicka three hundred Chicka thirty-four Chicka meters at Chicka once!
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
DEVON: Now it’s time for you to guess which is the Animalia Fake. As usual, you will get fifteen seconds to think of your final answer. Your time starts… now!
SOUNDS: [Fifteen second timer/thinking music]
SOUNDS: [Alarm sounds]
DEVON: Time’s up! I hope you have your final answer. The Animalia Fake of round one was…
BACKGROUND: [Short Timpani drumroll]
DEVON: …D), The furthest gliding animal, the Yellow-bellied Glider (a gliding Australian possum), can glide up to three hundred seventy-four yards or three hundred thirty-four meters at once!
SOUNDS: [Ding-ding-ding]
BACKGROUND: [Answer music starts]
CROWD: {Cheers for a little while in the background}
DEVON: It was kind of a trick, the Yellow-bellied Glider is a real animal and is the record holder of the furthest gliding animal, but they can only glide up to one hundred twenty-four yards or one hundred fourteen meters. When I say they’re a possum, I mean possum spelled p-o-s-s-u-m, not o-p-o-s-s-u-m. As a bonus fact, the o is actually pronounced, though a lot of people think it’s silent, so it is pronounced opossum. Opossums are the ones that live in North and South America and possums in Australia and other surrounding islands. Also, opossums have a bare tail and possums a furry one. But I digress. So this means that Common Vampire Bats can walk and run on their legs and wings and scientists found it out by putting them on bat treadmills; the largest animal to take flight was the Quetzalcoatlus northropi pterosaur whose wingspan was the length of a bus (at twelve yards or eleven meters) and may have weighed around as much as a Pygmy Hippo (at anywhere from two hundred to five hundred pounds or ninety-one to two hundred twenty-seven kilograms, scientist aren’t quite sure); and the longest nonstop flight of a bird was done by Bar-tailed Godwit two three four six eight four who flew eight thousand four hundred thirty-five miles or thirteen thousand five hundred sixty kilometers straight from Alaska in the US to Tasmania an island of Australia. If you got it right, you can mark off a point.
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
DEVON: And now onto round two.
SOUNDS: [Ding-ding]
DEVON: It’s your time to shine, Chet and Cap!
BACKGROUND: [Question music starts]
CHET: Chicka Is the Chicka Animalia Fake Chicka A),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CHET: Chicka Though they Chicka can not Chicka truly fly, Chicka spiders can Chicka be airborne! Chicka Air is Chicka positively charged, Chicka and opposite Chicka charges attract, Chicka so, in Chicka a process Chicka called ballooning, Chicka they can Chicka almost fly Chicka by simply Chicka producing negatively Chicka charged silk, Chicka since they Chicka are so Chicka light! Chicka They can Chicka do this Chicka over oceans!
CAP: Chicka Or is Chicka it B),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CAP: Chicka The world’s Chicka highest flying Chicka animal, the Chicka Rüpell’s Griffon Chicka Vulture, has Chicka been documented Chicka flying at Chicka heights of Chicka over seven Chicka miles or Chicka eleven kilometers Chicka above sea Chicka level! Chicka That’s as Chicka high as Chicka commercial jets!
CHET: Chicka Or is Chicka it C),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CHET: Chicka The largest Chicka flying bird Chicka in the Chicka world, the Chicka Wandering Albatross, Chicka has a Chicka wingspan of Chicka twelve feet Chicka or three Chicka point six Chicka meters!
CAP: Chicka Or is Chicka it D),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CAP: Chicka The world’s Chicka largest fly, Chicka the Mydas Chicka Fly, can Chicka grow over Chicka two inches Chicka or five Chicka point one Chicka centimeters! Chicka That’s oughta Chicka give nightmares Chicka to pteronarcophobes (Chicka those who Chicka fear flies).
BACKGROUND: [Music ends] [Theme music starts]
DEVON: Animalia Fake! will be back with the answer, some jokes, and round three right after a quick break. Don’t go anywhere.
CROWD: {Applauds a bit}
BACKGROUND: [Music fades out quickly]
CHET: Chicka Let’s take Chicka this time Chicka to thank Chicka our sponsor.
BACKGROUND: [Sponsor music starts]
CHET: Chicka Animalia Fake! Chicka is sponsored Chicka by Porcu-Threads: Chicka the one- Chicka -stop shop Chicka for all Chicka of your Chicka porcupine shopping Chicka needs. Chicka Are you Chicka a porcupine Chicka listening who Chicka just can’t Chicka find any Chicka clothing that Chicka accommodates your Chicka quills and Chicka is the Chicka right size? Chicka Sure, there Chicka are hedgehog Chicka stores everywhere, Chicka tenrec shops Chicka are a Chicka big economic Chicka success, and Chicka echidna malls Chicka are all Chicka the rage, Chicka but what Chicka about the Chicka world’s second Chicka largest rodent? Chicka Enter Porcu-Threads: Chicka Porcu-Threads offers Chicka shirts, sweatshirts, Chicka sweaters, and Chicka jackets that Chicka fit porcupines! Chicka Go to Chicka porcuthreads.(Chicka)shop promo Chicka code Kingdom Chicka for twenty- Chicka -seven percent Chicka off your Chicka first order. Chicka That’s porcuthreads(Chicka).shop Chicka promo code Chicka Kingdom for Chicka twenty-seven Chicka percent off Chicka your first Chicka order.
BACKGROUND: [Music fades out]
DEVON: Please do not put clothing on porcupines. It is unsafe and inhumane.
BACKGROUND: [Theme music starts]
CROWD: {Cheers in background}
DEVON: Welcome back to Animalia Fake!: The game show about animal facts. I’m your host, Devon,…
CAP: …Chicka and we’re Chicka your announcers, Chicka Cap,…
CHET: …Chicka and Chet!
BACKGROUND: [Music fades out]
CROWD: {Quiets}
DEVON: Before the break, we left you with a dangling question: Is the Animalia Fake…
BACKGROUND: [Question music]
CHET: Chicka A),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CHET: Chicka Though they Chicka can not Chicka truly fly, Chicka spiders can Chicka be airborne! Chicka Air is Chicka positively charged, Chicka and opposite Chicka charges attract, Chicka so, in Chicka a process Chicka called ballooning, Chicka they can Chicka almost fly Chicka by simply Chicka producing negatively Chicka charged silk, Chicka since they Chicka are so Chicka light! Chicka They can Chicka do this Chicka over oceans!
CAP: Chicka Or is Chicka it B),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CAP: Chicka The world’s Chicka highest flying Chicka animal, the Chicka Rüpell’s Griffon Chicka Vulture, has Chicka been documented Chicka flying at Chicka heights of Chicka over seven Chicka miles or Chicka eleven kilometers Chicka above sea Chicka level! Chicka That’s as Chicka high as Chicka commercial jets!
CHET: Chicka Or is Chicka it C),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CHET: Chicka The largest Chicka flying bird Chicka in the Chicka world, the Chicka Wandering Albatross, Chicka has a Chicka wingspan of Chicka twelve feet Chicka or three Chicka point six Chicka meters!
CAP: Chicka Or is Chicka it D),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CAP: Chicka The world’s Chicka largest fly, Chicka the Mydas Chicka Fly, can Chicka grow over Chicka two inches Chicka or five Chicka point one Chicka centimeters!
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
DEVON: Now it’s time for you to guess which is the Animalia Fake. As per ushe, you will get fifteen seconds to think of your final answer. Your time starts… now!
SOUNDS: [Fifteen second timer/thinking music]
SOUNDS: [Alarm sounds]
DEVON: You heard the timer!: It’s time for the reveal. The Animalia Fake of round two was…
BACKGROUND: [Short Timpani drumroll]
DEVON: …C), The largest flying bird in the world, the Wandering Albatross, has a wingspan of twelve feet or three point six meters.
SOUNDS: [Ding-ding-ding]
BACKGROUND: [Answer music starts]
CROWD: {Cheers for a little while in the background}
DEVON: This was another trick: this time to catch anyone who knows a lot about birds: the Wandering Albatross is the world’s largest bird to take flight, but their wingspan is one foot or point three meters narrower at eleven feet or three point three meters wide. So this means that spiders can use electro-attraction between charges to fly over oceans on a few strands of silk; the Rüpell’s Griffon Vulture can soar over seven miles or eleven kilometers above sea level (around the height of a commercial jet and, fun fact, higher than Mount Everest); and, unfortunately for pteronarcophobes, the Mydas fly can grow over two inches or five point one centimeters. If you got this one correct, you can mark off a point.
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
BACKGROUND: [Standup With Chet entrance sting starts]
DEVON: You know this means: It’s time for Standup… With Chet.
CROWD: {Cheers in background}
CHET: Chicka Hello! Chicka Hello! Chicka Thank you, Chicka thank you Chicka very much. Chicka Stop, please.
BACKGROUND: [Sting ends]
CROWD: {Quiets}
CHET: Chicka Actually, no, Chicka keep going.
CROWD: {Laughs}
CHET: Chicka Alright. Chicka I’m here Chicka to tell Chicka you three Chicka jokes that Chicka relate to Chicka the category.
CROWD: {Cheers a bit}
CHET: Chicka Let’s begin. Chicka Here’s joke Chicka number one: Chicka I went Chicka to this Chicka Flying Fox Chicka roost, Flying Chicka Foxes are Chicka Fruit Bats, Chicka by the Chicka way, so Chicka I went Chicka to these Chicka Flying Foxes, Chicka okay? Chicka They were Chicka all flying Chicka around and Chicka it was Chicka so hard Chicka for me Chicka to fly! Chicka It totally Chicka drove me Chicka batty!
SOUNDS: [Rimshot]
CROWD: {Laughs}
CHET: Chicka Thank you. Chicka You’re too Chicka kind. Chicka Alright, here’s Chicka number two: Chicka So Larids Chicka are birds Chicka of the Chicka family Laridae, Chicka which includes Chicka terns, skimmers, Chicka and gulls. Chicka Larid A: Chicka “I think (Chicka) we’re lost.” Chicka Larid B: Chicka “We must’ve (Chicka) taken a (Chicka) wrong tern.”
SOUNDS: [Rimshot]
CROWD: {Laughs}
CHET: Chicka Now for Chicka my best Chicka and final Chicka joke: Joke Chicka number three: Chicka Moth 1: Chicka “It’s twelve’(Chicka)o’clock! Chicka We’re late!” Chicka Moth 2: Chicka “Yeah! (Chicka) We’d butter (Chicka) fly!”
SOUNDS: [Rimshot]
CROWD: {Laughs}
BACKGROUND: [Standup With Chet exit sting]
CHET: Chicka Okey-dokey, Chicka birdseed smokey. Chicka That’s my Chicka time!
CROWD: {Applauds in background}
CHET: Chicka I’ll see Chicka you next Chicka time for Chicka Standup… With Chicka Chet! Chicka Mic drop!
SOUNDS: [Mic drop]
CROWD: {Quiets}
BACKGROUND: [Sting ends]
DEVON: Chet? Can you please pick that back up?
CHET: Quiet: Chicka Okay, fine.
SOUNDS: [Microphone broken in background]
DEVON: With Chet and Cap: Ah!
CAP: With Devon and Chet: Chicka Ah!
CHET: With Devon and Cap: Quiet: Chicka Ah!
CROWD: {Gasps}
DEVON: Let’s take a quick break to replace the mic, okay? We’ll be right back.
SOUNDS: [End of theme music]
DEVON: Mumbling: My ears are still ringing.
SOUNDS: [Beginning of theme music]
DEVON: We’re back.
CHET: …Chicka With a Chicka new mic.
DEVON: So now it’s time for round three…
SOUNDS: [Ding-ding]
DEVON: …The final round. If you’ve gotten it right so far, this is the make or break moment. Here we go. Take it away, Cap and Chet!
BACKGROUND: [Question music starts]
CAP: Chicka Is the Chicka Animalia Fake Chicka A),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CAP: Chicka Believe it Chicka or not, Chicka insect wings Chicka evolved from Chicka fins that Chicka their ancestors Chicka used to Chicka swim around Chicka when they Chicka lived in Chicka the oceans!
CHET: Chicka Or is Chicka it B),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CHET: Chicka The chicks Chicka of the Chicka Hoatzin bird Chicka have claws Chicka on their Chicka wings like Chicka prehistoric birds! Chicka To make Chicka matters crazier, Chicka when a Chicka predator comes Chicka to the Chicka nest, the Chicka parents will Chicka distract the Chicka predator while Chicka the chicks Chicka jump into Chicka the water Chicka and later Chicka use their Chicka clawed wings Chicka to climb Chicka back up Chicka to the Chicka nest!
CAP: Chicka Or is Chicka it C),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 1]
CAP: Chicka One way Chicka that a Chicka Bald Eagle Chicka couple enforces Chicka their bond Chicka is to Chicka fly up Chicka high, lock Chicka their talons Chicka together, and Chicka then cartwheel Chicka spin down Chicka to the Chicka ground, breaking Chicka apart at Chicka the last Chicka second to Chicka fly up! Chicka That definitely Chicka sounds like Chicka a bonding Chicka experience.
CROWD: {Laughs}
CHET: Chicka Or is Chicka it D),…
SOUNDS: [Ding 2]
CHET: Chicka The majority Chicka of animals Chicka that have Chicka ‘flying’ in Chicka their names—Chicka flying dragons, Chicka flying squirrels, Chicka flying fish, Chicka etc.—can’t Chicka actually fly! Chicka They can Chicka only glide!
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
DEVON: This is a tricky one. I present you with your fifteen seconds to think of your final answer.
SOUNDS: [Fifteen second timer/thinking music]
SOUNDS: [Alarm sounds]
DEVON: Time’ssssssssss up!
CAP: Chicka Ahh! Chicka Sound the Chicka alarm!
BACKGROUND: [Failing Defense starts] [Alarm starts]
CAP: Chicka There’s a Chicka snake lose Chicka in the Chicka studio! Chicka Everyone evacuate! Chicka This is Chicka not a Chicka drill! Chicka Ahh!
CROWD: {Laughs}
BACKGROUND: [Pitch of music lowers to a stop] [Pitch of alarm lowers to a stop]
CAP: Chicka Hey! Chicka HEY! Chicka Why are Chicka you laughing?? LOSE!!
BACKGROUND: [Failing Defense starts up again] [Alarm starts up again]
CROWD: {Laughs harder}
BACKGROUND: [Pitch of music lowers to a stop] [Pitch of alarm lowers to a stop]
DEVON: Cap, that was just me!
CAP: Chicka Likely story.
DEVON: Let’s just move on from that. The Animalia Fake of round three was…
BACKGROUND: [Short Timpani drumroll]
DEVON: A), Insect wings evolved from fins that their ancestors used to swim around when they lived in the oceans.
SOUNDS: [Ding-ding-ding]
BACKGROUND: [Answer music starts]
CROWD: {Cheers for a little while in the background}
DEVON: Insect wings did not evolve from fins from when they were aquatic, though, like all life on Earth, their ancestors did evolve in the ocean. There are actually a few theories of how insect wings evolved: the first is the tergal hypothesis, in which the wings originated from on top of the tergum—the top of the insect’s body wall—possibly evolving from gliding membranes. The second is the pleural hypothesis, pleural with an e-u meaning relating to their sides, in which the wings evolved from leg segments that fused with the body before moving to their back and becoming wings. The third, and newest, hypothesis, brought forward with the rise of evolutionary developmental biology and advances in genetics, is the “dual origin” hypothesis, which states that membranes from the side of their body merged with leg segments to create wings, combining the two previous hypotheses, hence the name “dual origin”. So this means that Hoatzin chicks have claws on their wings so they can do the Hoatzin Dive into the water their nests are built over while their parents serve as a distraction and later climb back up to the nest; Bald Eagle couples will enforce their bonds by plummeting down to earth with their claws locked together, breaking up before hitting the ground (and will even sometimes hit!); and most animals with ‘flying’ in their name, like flying dragons (a type of lizard), flying squirrels, flying fish, flying frogs, and flying snakes, to name some, can only glide, not fly! Mark off your point, correct guessers!
BACKGROUND: [Music ends]
DEVON: Now it’s the time we’ve all been waiting for: All of our winning contestants—those who got all of the rounds correct—will win a…
SOUNDS: [Short Timpani Drumroll]
DEVON: …Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids poster!
SOUNDS: [Ta-Da!]
CROWD: {Cheers in background}
DEVON: Ever wanted a processed piece of tree bark with ink that represents a podcast to mount on your wall? Well now, if you won, you will get your very own KAZPK poster. Just show us your winning scoresheet and pick it up at the exit.
CHET: Chicka But wait!
CROWD: {Gasps}
CHET: Chicka You don’t Chicka have to Chicka wait until Chicka after the Chicka outro!
DEVON: Chet, you resigned the contract saying you won’t use cannons, catapults, or any medieval war weapons to launch prizes.
CHET: Chicka Oh, but Chicka I’m not Chicka using a Chicka prize medieval Chicka weapon… I’m Chicka using a Chicka prize slingshot!
DEVON: Oh, no…
CHET: Chicka Oh, yes!…
DEVON: …another loophole.
CHET: …Chicka another loophole!
DEVON: I have got to fire our Contracts Specialist. Please no, Chet…
CHET: Chicka Stretch out Chicka the band…
SOUNDS: [Slingshot rubber stretch]
CHET: …Chicka Release!
SOUNDS: [Slingshot launch]
CHET: Chicka Hurrah!
SOUNDS: [Prizes falling]
CROWD: {Screams in background}
DEVON: Okay, everyone stay calm and do not freak out! Just move calmly to the studio exits and collect your prize if you won—sorry if they’re a bit dirty from the ground, but Chet put them all in the slingshot—while I do the outro!
CROWD: {Slowly quiets in background}
BACKGROUND: [Theme music starts]
DEVON: Alrighty then. Animalia Fake! is a production of Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids, a Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts podcast. You can download the official Animalia Fake! scoresheet so you can play along next time at You can read the transcript and check my facts by looking at the works cited on the page for this episode which is at
CROWD: {Cheers/Applauds in background}
DEVON: You can send in questions, episode suggestions (including for Animalia Fake! categories), and riddle guesses to our email,, or use the contact form on our website which is at You can refresh your memory on what the riddle for episode eleven is (which I gave last episode) by going to I’m your host, Devon, and your announcers are Chet and Cap Chickadee. So, until next time, keep learning the TRUTH about this amazing Kingdom:… Animalia. … And please, please do not launch posters for educational animal podcasts into crowds of people by using cartoonishly large slingshots! Bye!
CROWD: {Quiets}
BACKGROUND: With Chet: {Music ends}
CHET: Chicka Fly, fly, Chicka my pretties!
- Ends -
Check the Works Cited for this Episode (AFTER LISTENING!)
- Animalia. “Hoatzin.” Animalia,
- Castro, Joseph. “Bald Eagle Sex: The Acrobatic Mating of America’s National Bird.” Live Science, 4 July 2016,
- Davidson, Sarah. “Unlike other bats, vampire bats keep out of trouble by running, Cornell researchers find.” Cornell Chronicle, 17 Mar. 2005,
- Elbein, Asher. “Insects Flew Before Anything Else Did. So How Did They Get Their Wings?” The New York Times, 26 Mar. 2018,
- Ionescu, Andrei. “Do Flying Squirrels Exist? Not Exactly.”, 28 Sept. 2022,
- Khokle, Aishwarya. “The record-breaking bird that flew from Alaska to Australia without stopping.” Guinness World Records, 3 Jan. 2023,
- Mayor, Dana. “The Top 10 Largest Insects in the World.” AZ Animals, 22 June 2023,
- McGeary, Emma. “Jurassic Days: Quetzalcoatlus northropi.” Carnegie Museum of Natural History,
- Missouri Department of Conservation. “Mydas Flies.” Missouri Department of Conservation,
- Morley, Erica L., and Daniel Robert. “Electric Fields Elicit Ballooning in Spiders.” Current Biology, vol. 28, no. 14, Elsevier BV, July 2018, pp. 2324-2330.e2. Cell Press,
- Smithsonian’s National Zoo. “Ruppell’s griffon vulture.” Smithsonian’s National Zoo, 2 May 2022,
Message from Devon:
Welcome back to our trimonthly game show, Animalia Fake!
If you want to suggest a theme for Animalia Fake! send it in to subject line “Animalia Fake!”